Tagged with 'io9'

SF Must Write Its Own Future

18th of January 2009

You’ve heard about the death of print sf, but could online outlets for stories of the imagination be just as doomed? Fantasy Magazine has a reality check on the future of speculative fiction.

Read full piece: SF Must Write Its Own Future

Actors Who Get Fandom

10th of January 2009

The best part of falling for a show is discovering that the actors in it are just as shamelessly fannish as you are. Lo and behold, there are a lot more actor geeks than you think!

Read full piece: Actors Who Get Fandom

The Day the Earth Stood Still Remake Is Pure Sucky Evil

16th of August 2008

For years I got blank stares when I told people that The Day the Earth Stood Still was my favorite movie. “It’s this black-and-white science-fiction film from the 1950s,” I’d say, and when they just gazed back at me, I’d finish with “look, just watch it, okay?” Little did I know that something far more sinister was in my future — now when I talk about The Day the Earth Stood Still, people will think I’m lauding the performance of one Keanu Reeves. The very thought makes me want to hurl the contents of my stomach all over my keyboard.

Read full piece: The Day the Earth Stood Still Remake Is Pure Sucky Evil

Did Star Trek or Doctor Who Mold Your Brain?

5th of May 2008

A few weeks ago, we asked you to take a survey about whether Star Trek or Doctor Who had molded your brain. We wanted to know whether there was any connection between being a fan of one of these shows and what your career aspirations might be – as well as what career you wind up having. Over 1600 people responded, and it turns out Doctor Who and Star Trek fans aren’t very differently-brained. Both shows inspire fans to have similar dream jobs, though not all of them manage to get those jobs when they grow up. We also learned what fans want most from the shows. Find out more, and check out our amazing data charts, below.

Read full piece: Did Star Trek or Doctor Who Mold Your Brain?

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