Tagged with 'website updates'

Queens & Courtesans Release Day

6th of October 2016

When I first put up this website, I was at the beginning of a very long illness. That’s why I’ve never managed to fill it up with content, although that’s still my goal.

Today, I am progressing in the long tail end of my recovery, and it is the official release date of the anthology that contains my first published original short story! …read more

Oh look there’s stuff here now!

19th of December 2013

So for the past few years my life has been a whirlwind of activity, and my online life has suffered. Recently, however, I secured the services of one D. Leys, web goddess extraordinaire and purveyor of sassy CSS. Between the time zones of chaotic America and pastoral France, we built this place to catalog my writings and serve as a home base for my internet activities as I work to advance my fiction writing career.

2014, everybody. Let’s go!

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